Schizaea bifida Willd.
Rhizome up to 5 mm. or more diam., clad in brown hairs. Stipes (including branches) 10-30 cm. long, c. 1 mm. diam., strict to somewhat flexuous, scabrid by minute asperities; branches 2-3, rarely more, 5-15 cm. long, narrowly winged. Lamina up to 2 cm. long and 1 cm. broad; segs secund, approximate, fringed, 10-20, up to 1cm. long. Sporangia distinctly less than 0·5 mm. diam.
DIST.: N. Lowland heathy clay and pumice soils from near North Cape to Cook Strait. S. Near Takaka and Puramahoi, R. I. Kingsley and later collectors. Also in Tasmania and Australia.