Stipes dichotomously divided; laminae pseudodichotomously divided; final rhachides pinnately divided; sori of 2-12 exindusiate sporangia radiating around receptacle
Indusium ovate-deltoid, delicate, attached by broad base, soon reflexed; stipites slender, tufted; lamina delicate, pale green; pinnules toothed or lobed
Indusium cup-shaped, distinctly 2-valved; receptacle us. not or hardly exserted, rarely long-exserted
Indusium urceolate to tubular, entire or obscurely toothed, 2-lipped; receptacle always exserted
Stipes not jointed to rhizome; lower veinlets of lobe uniting at tips with those of adjoining lobe
Lower veinlets of lamina lobe uniting at tips with those of adjoining lobe; lobes obscure
Veins reticulately anastomosing; lamina regularly or irregularly pinnatifid to pinnate; ultimate segs not minute; sori unprotected
Veins free; lamina 2-3-pinnate; ultimate segs minute, sori protected by lamina margin, or not
Fig. 1. FILICOPSIDA. Sori. Marattia : synangium, the two halves spread to show openings of ten sporangia. Gleichenia : exindusiate sorus of four sporangia. Dicksonia : lobe of pinnule with sorus and indusium. Cyathea : sorus with cup-shaped indusium. Lindsaea : sorus protected by lamina-margin and very similar indusium. Doodia : sorus and indusium. Pteris : exindusiate sorus protected by lamina-margin. Nephrolepis : indusium. Polystichum : sorus with peltate indusium. Arthropteris : exindusiate sorus. Rumohra : sorus and peltate indusium. Asplenium : linear sorus and indusium. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X0R]