Carmichaelia uniflora Kirk
C. uniflora Kirk in T.N.Z.I. 16, 1884, 379, t. 31.
Type locality: Lochnavar, valley of the Poulter R., J. D. Enys. Type: not located.
A dwarf glab. rhizomatous shrub forming lax to compact patches up to ± 6 cm. tall. Branchlets compressed, up to 25 × 1-1·5 mm., tapering towards blunt apex, finely striate. Infl. of solitary fl. or occ. paired fls, (6)-8-(10) × (4)-6 mm., on very slender, minutely bracted, sts sparsely hairy peduncles. Calyx c. 3 × 2 mm., campanulate, with short triangular, acute teeth; standard rounded, purplish towards base, whitish towards apex, purple-veined; wings < keel, whitish, purple-veined, auricles pointed; keel purple, auricles pointed. Ovary glab. Pods elliptic-oblong, ± 10 × 4 mm., subcompressed, very dark brown to black; beak slender, subulate, straight, c. 2 mm. long. Seeds 4-6, reniform, bluish black to black.
DIST.: S. Lowland to montane open ground and grassland, drainage area of Waimakariri River.
The exact distribution remains uncertain. Kirk (Stud. Fl. 1899, 108) gives the range as "mountains of Nelson, Canterbury and North Otago". The type cover at K has two gatherings on the sheet-(a) three pieces with fls, "mountains above the Waimakariri 3000 ft. coll. J. D. Enys, T. Kirk. Recvd. 7/82". Branchlets c. 1 mm. wide, fls c. 5 mm. long on pedicels c. 1 cm. long; (b) two pieces, similar to (a) in fl., "Dry flat Grasmere Station (2200 ft.) Canterbury, much scattered amongst tussock grasses". In a packet is a flowering piece.