Hymenophyllum minimum A.Rich.
Meringium minimum (A. Rich.) Cop. in Philipp. J. Sci. 73, 1940, 457
Rhizome filiform, with or without hairs; stipites rather distant to crowded. Stipes filiform, ± clad in slender hairs to nude, 3-5 mm. long, not winged. Rhachis filiform, not or very obscurely winged. Lamina bright green, pale when fresh, oblong-deltoid, pinnatifid to pinnate, with up to 6 pairs of segs; segs oblong, obtuse, margins with spinulose teeth. Sori stipitate, us. solitary, terminating rhachis. Indusium up to 3 mm. long, obconic, 2-valved to halfway; valves rounded, spinulose on margins and backs. Receptacle stout, up to 5 mm. long, distinctly exserted to almost included when young.
DIST.: S., St. Lowland forest throughout, but apparently rather local. Also recorded from A., but not collected by recent expeditions. Endemic.