Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Bacidia apiahica (Müll.Arg.) Zahlbr.

B. apiahica (Müll. Arg.) Zahlbr., Cat. lich. univ. 4: 174 (1927).

Patellaria apiahica Müll. Arg., Lich. epiphylli novi: 9 (1890).

Thallus irregular or circular, to 12 mm diam., continuous or in part dispersed, dark greenish-grey to pale greyish-white, smooth, farinose, prothallus absent, foliicolous. Apothecia constricted at base, 0.1- 0.5 mm diam., disc pale orange-yellow or salmon-buff to pale reddish-brown, epruinose, plane or subconvex, margins thin, often indistinct, smooth, concolorous with disc or paler. Ascospores normally 3-septate but sometimes 5-7-septate, ± filiform, 20-40 × 1.5-2 µm.

N: Wellington (Feilding-Kitchener Park, Pohangina Valley-Totara Reserve), on leaves of Beilschmiedia tawa, Metrosideros colensoi, Podocarpus spicatus and P. totara. S: South Westland.


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