Bacidia glomerulosa C.Knight
Lecidea subbacillifera Nyl., Lich. N.Z.: 95 (1888).
Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight, WELT Herb. Knight Vol. 46A, p. 3!
Lecidea subbaccilifera. Type: New Zealand. Sine loco (prob. Wellington). Charles Knight 1867, H-NYL - not seen.
Thallus dingy ochraceous-greyish to dull olive-greenish, scurfy or with delicate granular isidia, minutely or coarsely areolate, forming a diffract crust, areolae separated by deep, gaping fissures, spreading in patches, 4-8 cm diam. Apothecia numerous, solitary to confluent, small, sessile or sunk in granular crust, 0.1-0.5 mm diam., brown-black or red-brown, ± translucent when wet, convex to plane, matt, smooth to glomerulate, margins thin, raised, darker than disc, excluded with age. Epithecium granular, brown-black c. 4-12 µm thick. Hymenium colourless 40-50 µm tall. Hypothecium yellow-brown, 120 µm thick. Paraphyses swollen, black or brown at apices. Ascospores 3-7-septate, 34-41 × 1.7-2.5 µm.
N: S: St: Widespread on bark of trees and shrubs (especially Cordyline and Melicytus), lowland and/or coastal.