Geranium L.
Annual, biennial or perennial herbs, sometimes with a caulorrhiza (woody rhizome or root stock), occasionally with small erect trunk, generally aromatic. Basal lvs often rosette-forming, long-petiolate, stipulate, palmately veined, lobed or compound, usually ovate to rounded or reniform. Cauline lvs similar to basal, with petiole becoming shorter, opposite near base, usually alternate above. Fls actinomorphic, single or paired, usually in cymose, bracteate, and pedunculate infls. Sepals 5, imbricate, spurless. Petals 5; claw prominent to almost 0. Fertile stamens usually 10, rarely 5 reduced to staminodes, free or nearly so, the outer antipetalous. Nectar glands 5. Ovary 5-lobed, usually with long style; ovules 2 per loculus. Fr. with long beak, the outer part of style separating into 5 long awns which generally remain attached to the mericarps, curving upwards but never twisted. Mericarps 1-seeded, sometimes releasing seed, lacking apical pits.
300-400 spp., temperate and subtropical regions, also montane tropical regions. Native spp. 7, naturalised 8.
In addition to those described below, a number of N. Hemisphere spp. are cultivated in N.Z.; several are very common as rock garden, rock wall or embankment plants. These are perennial, often mat-forming, and all have lvs palmately lobed to some degree. The commonest is G. sanguineum L., bloody cranesbill, a mat-forming plant with very dissected, narrowly lobed lvs and large, solitary fls with crimson-magenta or pink petals c. 15 mm long. It persists in many long-abandoned gardens. In the descriptions below the length of lf lobes refers to the axis of the longest central lobes.
Fls of some geraniums are illustrated in Fig. 72.
Fig. 72. Fls of Geranium. A G. maderense; B G. pratense; C G. purpureum; D G. robertianum; E G. rubescens. © All rights reserved. [Image: 4X5Z]