Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Pyrenula dealbata

P. dealbata (C.Knight) Müll.Arg., Bull. Herb. Boissier 2, App. 1: 94 (1894).

Verrucaria dealbata C.Knight, Trans. N. Z. Inst. 8: 324 (1876). Trans. Linn. Soc. ser. 2, Bot. 1: 280 (1877).

=Verrucaria glabrata var. cinereoalba C.Knight, Trans. Linn. Soc. 23: 100 (1860).

=Verrucaria inflata Stirt., Proc. phil. Soc. Glasgow10: 302 (1877).

=Pyrenula cinereoglauca Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss Kl. 104: 255 (1941).

Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco [probably Wellington], Charles Knight, received ix.1883 – BM [fide Galloway (1985a: 490)].

Verrucaria glabrata var. cinereoalba. Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco [probably Auckland], Charles Knight 307 – BM [fide Galloway (1985a: 490)].

Verrucaria inflata. Lectotype: New Zealand. Near Wellington, J. Buchanan – BM [fide Galloway (1985a: 490)].

Pyrenula cinereoglauca. Lectotype: New Zealand. Otago, Port Chalmers, on Crataegus oxycantha, J.S. Thomson ZA 483 – CHR 379755 [fide Galloway (1985a: 490)].

Description : Flora (1985: 490).

N: Northland to Wellington. S: Otago (Port Chalmers). Lowland and coastal on twigs of shrubs in open situations.


Illustrations : Knight (1876: pl. X, fig. 21; 1877: pl. XXXVIII, fig. 1 – as Verrucaria dealbata).

Pyrenula dealbata is characterised by: the corticolous habit; the whitish thallus; prominent black perithecia; and 3-septate ascospores, (15–)17–22(–25) × (8.5–)10–12 μm.

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