Viola filicaulis Hook.f.
Type locality: N. "Eastern Mountains, Colenso". Type: K, "N.Z. Colenso, 160."
Low ± glandular herb with far-creeping subfiliform stems rooting at nodes, attaining up to 3 dm. long. Lvs on very slender flattened petioles (5 mm.)-1-2 cm. long; lamina crenate, 4-10-(15) × 4-12-(15) mm.; broad reniform-oblong to suborbicular, deeply to shallowly cordate to subtruncate at base (occ. lvs subacutely narrowed to apex). Stipules up to 5 mm. long, ovate to broad ovate, us. deeply laciniate; laciniae filiform, us. Gland-tipped. Fls 1-1·5-(2) cm. diam., on very slender peduncles 1-5-(10) cm. long; bracts a little above middle, ± 4mm. long, linear- lanceolate, us. laciniate. Sepals ± 5 mm. long, linear to linear-lanceolate; petals white to creamy, ± 1 cm. long, narrow obovate-oblong to spathulate, spur short. Capsule 5-9 mm. long.
DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to subalpine moist places from lat. 35° 30' south- wards.
FL. 11-2. FT. 11-3. Cleistogamic fls produced towards end of flowering period.
Var. hydrocotyloides (J. B. Armst.) Kirk Stud. Fl. 1899, 41. Viola hydrocotyloides J. B. Armst. in T.N.Z.I. 14, 1882, 360.
Armstrong's specimens were collected on "Stewart Island-Rev. Mr. Stack, 1879. Apparently an inhabitant of bogs on the outskirts of woods. Flowers from November to March." His description includes: " glandular hairy branches . . . leaves reniform, ?-1/4 inch diameter, glandular and hairy . . . petioles . . . glandular and hairy . . . sepals . . . glandular-pubescent . . . petals . . . all pure white . . . capsule . . . glabrous or pubescent." Also collected by Petrie in Otago. The status remains indeterminate till cultural experiments have been made.