Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Quercus L.


Deciduous or evergreen trees or rarely shrubs, generally with rough fissured bark. Bud scales numerous. Lvs usually short-petiolate, usually toothed to deeply lobed, rarely entire. Fls anemophilous. ♂ fls in slender pendulous catkins; bracts caducous; perianth (4)-6-(7)-lobed; stamens (4)-6-(12). ♀ fls 1-many in catkins; involucre (cupule) surrounding each catkin or individual solitary fl. Ovary 3-(6)-celled; styles short or elongate. Fr. a nut (acorn), usually subglobose to ellipsoid or oblong, invested to varying degrees but never enclosed by woody cup. Involucral scales numerous, imbricate or connate into concentric rings. Seed round in transverse section.


Tree evergreen; lvs entire or dentate
Tree deciduous; lvs lobed
Stipules persistent; shoots densely hairy; acorn cup with spreading or recurved subulate scales
Stipules caducous; shoots glabrous, except sometimes when young; acorn cup with appressed, ovate scales
Lf lobes obtuse; acorns reaching maturity in first year, thus situated among lvs
Lf lobes bristle-tipped; acorns reaching maturity in second year, thus situated on young branches behind lvs

c. 600 spp., nearly all temperate and subtropical N. Hemisphere, occasionally tropical. Naturalised spp. 4.

Many other spp. of oak are grown in the few specialist collections in N.Z., but those described or mentioned here are the only ones which are common in cultivation.

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