Salix alba L. var. alba
silver willow
Shoots greenish brown, olive or ± brown. Lvs mostly persistently silky white or grey, especially beneath.
N.: Hutt R. near Wellington; S.: Waimakariri R. area near Christchurch, Ashburton.
Europe, W. Asia 1988
Riverbeds and along drains.
Var. alba is probably a later introduction than var. vitellina. There are 2 forms wild in N.Z. Most of the specimens seen belong to cv. 'Argentea' (usually known as cv. 'Sericea') which has persistently white or greyish silky lvs and greenish brown to olive shoots. Material which cannot be referred to this cv. represents other clones of var. alba. All material with reproductive parts is of the ♀ clone `Argentea'.