Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Cynara cardunculus L.

*C. cardunculus L., Sp. Pl.  827  (1753)


Perennial herb to 2 m tall. Stems stout, ridged, with cobwebby hairs. Rosettes tufted, withering at fruiting. Basal lvs deeply 1-2-pinnatifid, 30-60 × 15-35 cm; lobes narrow-lanceolate, becoming smaller towards the base, with sparse cobwebby hairs above and dense cobwebby hairs beneath, slightly viscid; midrib stout, ridged; spines borne on apices and clustered at bases of lobes, rigid, yellowish, 10-18 mm long. Stem lvs similar to basal, the upper becoming smaller and less divided. Capitula solitary or up to 7 in lax cymes, 5-10 cm diam. Involucre ovoid; outer bracts coriaceous, triangular, acute, recurved; middle bracts ovate, with a rigid, inrolled, narrow-triangular, erecto-patent, spinous appendage; inner bracts oblong to linear, with a scarious, triangular or ovate, cuspidate or mucronate, suberect appendage. Corolla 50-65 mm long; lobes blue, lilac or whitish. Style long-exserted, usually with a ring of short hairs at base of stigma branches. Achenes 6-9 × 3-5 mm, obovoid, pale, often with dark spots and streaks. Pappus 25-40 mm long.

N.: Northland (Mangonui and Wellsford), Auckland, Napier (1 early collection); S.: Canterbury (near Lincoln).

Mediterranean 1897

Waste land, a garden escape or discard.

FL Dec-Jan FT Feb-Mar.

Cardoon is occasionally cultivated as an ornamental in N.Z. In S. Europe the blanched midribs are eaten as a vegetable. Some cvs have almost spineless lvs, resembling those of the globe artichoke, C. scolymus, but the wild collections seen have spiny lvs.

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