Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Citrus L.


Evergreen shrubs or trees, usually thorny, especially on vegetative shoots. Lvs alternate, apparently simple, really reduced to 1 leaflet, very aromatic; petiole often articulated at apex, often winged; lamina dotted with glands. Fls axillary, solitary or clustered in cymes or panicles, usually ⚥, usually (4)-5-merous, occasionally with petals more numerous. Calyx cup-shaped; lobes minute to prominent. Petals white, sometimes flushed pink on reverse. Stamens 15-many (to 10× as many as petals), arranged in bundles. Ovary (8)-10-14-(15)-celled. Ovules in 2 rows each of 4-8 per cell. Styles deciduous. Fr. a fleshy berry (hesperidium), usually large, ± globose, green, yellow, or orange; cells with pulpy vesicles surrounding the large polyembryonic seeds. Embryo green or white.

c. 15 spp., S.E. Asia, northwards to S. China. Naturalised sp. 1.

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