Myosotis lyallii var. townsonii (Cheeseman) L.B.Moore
M. townsonii Cheesem. Man. N.Z. Fl. 1906, 1145.
Original localities: Brunner Range and Mt. Lyell. Type: A, 7529, Brunner Range, W. Townson.
Plant laxly branched, hairs on lvs and calyx rather few and widely spaced. Calyx lobed at least to halfway, lobes narrow-oblong.
DIST.: S. From Buller district southwards west of divide.
FL.- FT. 12-3.
M. lyallii has always been an obscure sp. Lyall's material had only one complete corolla, and camera lucida drawings of this and of a calyx have been supplied from K. Specimens which can with some confidence be placed in var. lyallii come from Homer Valley (BD 87677 compared with the type was reported as a fairly good match), Mt. Burns (reported by Petrie in T.N.Z.I. 47, 1915, 59, specimen in W), Fowler Pass, and Olivine Mts.
Localities for var. townsonii, other than the original ones, are Boundary Peak; Mt. Mantell; Lake Man and head of Doubtful River above Amuri Pass; Otira River; Browning's Pass. A few plants from the west coast of South Id in BD herbarium closely resemble M. lyallii except that the anthers are more than half below corolla-scales.