Var. involucrata
H. involucrata Col. in T.N.Z.I. 19, 1887, 262.
Type locality: "Low wet spots in forests, hilly country north of Napier". Type: W, 1886, A. Hamilton. A critical var. probably of wider distribution.
Lvs on slender rather densely retrorsely hairy petioles ± 5-7-10 cm. long. Lamina 2-3 cm. diam.; basal sinus broad, giving a cordate base to lamina. Peduncles 1-2-(3) cm. long. Umbels 8-14-fld; involucre of ± 10 bracts, outer ovate and minutely toothed, inner narrow-oblong and entire. Frs 2-2.5 mm. diam., glab., flattish, light brown, forming heads up to 7 mm. diam. Mericarps with obtuse dorsal margin and obscure rib.
H. intermixta Col. in T.N.Z.I. 17, 1885, 240. "Plant very small; stems short, creeping and rooting interlaced underground. Leaves orbicular with a narrow deep sinus, 3-4 lines diameter, thickish . . . sparsely pilose on both sides . . . 5-6-lobed, lobes short, broad . . . petioles 4-5 lines long. . . Flowers in small globose heads, 9-10 (sub 12) . . . peduncles 7-8 lines long . . . Fruit very small, shortly pedicelled, glabrous, turgid . . . dark brown; carpels sharply keeled on back, 1 rib on each face, and a deep hollow between the two lateral ridges . . . On dry open hills near Matamau, Seventy-mile Bush . . . 1880-84: W. C." There is a specimen in W labelled "Type of H. intermixta Col." (not by Colenso). This is a turf c. 9 cm. diam., not easy to examine without dissection.
H. alsophila Col. in T.N.Z.I. 18, 1886, 261. "Plant weak, glabrous, prostrate . . . Leaves . . . membranous, bright green . . . 9-14 lines diameter . . . four central lobes large and rounded at tips almost entire, or each lobe having three blunt crenate-serratures, the two outer lobes crenate-toothed at base; sinus large . . . petioles 21/2-3 inches long . . . Peduncles very short, about 2 lines long, stoutish; umbels 9-11 flowered (usually 10) . . Fruit small, 1/20 inch diameter, glabrous, very thin, pale yellowish-brown; carpels with one rib on each face . . . In dense dark forests, Seventy-mile Bush . . . 1882-85: W.C. . . . This plant grows profusely in large patches, extending many yards each way." I have not seen specimens.
H. amoena Col. in T.N.Z.I. 21, 1889, 83. "Plant small, creeping, bright-green, glabrous. Stems hypogaeous, 1 in.-3 in. long, stoutish, flexuous, much branched . . . Leaves small . . . orbicular, sub-peltate, 2-4 lines diameter, sinus narrow . . . 5- (rarely 7-) lobed, lobes shallow, tri-crenate . . . petioles 3/4 in. -11/4 in. long, stoutish . . . Peduncles same length as petioles, flexuous, opposite to leaves. Umbels usually 6- (sometimes 5-, very rarely 9-) flowered . . . Fruit flattened, glabrous, smooth, ribs indistinct, back obtuse . . . Hidden among low thick herbage, grassy plains, Tahoraiti, south of Dannevirke . . . 1887: W.C." I have not seen specimens so named.