Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Trichomanes venosum R.Br.

T. venosum R. Br. Prodr. 1810, 159.

Polyphlebium venosum (R. Br.) Cop. loc. cit. 67, 1938, 55.

T. venustula Col. in T.N.Z.I. 12, 1880, 366.

Rhizome slender to filiform, densely clad in minute hairs; stipites approximate. Stipes filiform, not winged, 1-5 cm. long. Rhachis winged above or wingless. Lamina 2-10 cm. long, lanceolate to elliptic, translucent, pinnate; pinnules 1-3 cm. long, sts pinnatifid; veins distinct, several times forked. Sori us. solitary on upper side of base of pinnules, sometimes 2-4, partly immersed. Indusium c. 1 mm. long, widened to apex, tubular, winged in upper half, mouth entire to minutely 2-lipped, dilated. Receptacle filiform, exserted, up to 10 mm long.

DIST.: K., N., S., St., Ch. Lowland to lower montane forest throughout. Also in Australia and Tasmania.

Colenso's T. venustula from "dense shady damp forests, west slopes of Ruahine mountain range" is a small form with "sub-flabellate trinerved pinnae . . . rhachis not winged . . . involucres scattered on both edges of pinnae, 2-5 on a pinna", Type: W, Colenso.

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