Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Epilobium confertifolium Hook.f.

E. confertifolium Hook. f., Hook. Icon. Pl.  t. 685  (1844)

Densely to loosely matted herb. Stems creeping and rooting at nodes or erect, 2-18 cm long, mostly glabrous but with lines of fine appressed or erect hairs decurrent from margins of petioles. Lamina of lf elliptic, 4-16 × 2-7 mm. Floral tube 0.4-1 mm deep, glabrous. Petals bright rose-purple, 2-5.5 × 1.2-2.6 mm. Capsule glabrous, 1.3-4 cm long; fruiting pedicel 0-6 cm long.

A., C.


Open places in tussock grassland, sea level to at least 600 m.

FL Nov-Jan.

Raven and Raven placed E. findlayi Allan   var. findlayi and E. dawbinii Allan in synonymy under E. confertifolium.

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