Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy
Drimys [Drymis] colorata Raoul in Ann. Sci. nat. Sér. 3, Bot. 2, 1844, 121.
D. axillaris var. colorata (Raoul) Kirk For. Fl. 1889, 2.
Wintera colorata Tiegh. in J. de Bot. 14, 1900, 290.
Type locality: Akaroa " in umbrosis montibus ". There is a Raoul specimen at K. Type: Raoul, P.
Erect shrub up to 2 m. tall, rarely more, bark dark. Lvs on petioles 5 mm.-1 cm. long; lamina 2-6-(8) × 1-3 cm., rarely larger, elliptic to broad-elliptic to elliptic-obovate, coriac.; dull green, red-blotched above, glaucous below, very pungent to taste, midrib and main veins evident below. Fls in axillary fascicles of 2-5-(10); pedicels up to 1 cm. long, slender. Calyx shallowly lobed to subentire; petals 5-6, greenish yellow, linear to narrow-oblong, 4-5 mm. long; stamens 5-12; carpels 2-5, us. 1-2 maturing; frs dark red to black, 3-5 mm. diam.; mesocarp slightly fleshy; seeds 2-3, black, angled.
DIST.: N., S., St. Lowland to higher montane forest from lat. 36° 30' southwards; often forming thickets after destruction of forest.
HYBRIDISM: Hybrids between P. axillaris and P. colorata are frequent where the two spp. meet.
FL. 11-3. FT. 12-6.