Phaseolus coccineus L.
scarlet runner
Climbing perennial herb; stems moderately hairy, particularly in upper parts. Lvs sparsely to moderately hairy, especially on petioles; leaflets broadly ovate to deltoid, acute, entire, 30-100-(120) mm long; stipules ovate-triangular, c. 3-6 mm long; stipels narrower than stipules, 2-5 mm long. Infl. racemose, = or > lvs, (3)-6-20-flowered, with numerous bracteoles. Pedicels ± = fls. Calyx sparsely hairy; calyx teeth much < tube. Corolla usually scarlet, sometimes white, 15-30 mm long; beak of keel forming c. 11/2 turns of a spiral. Pod glabrous, brown, oblong and usually somewhat curved, 2-10-seeded, 10-30 cm long; seeds large, variable in shape and colour.
N.: Te Awamutu, Wanganui; S.: Christchurch, Dunedin.
Tropical America 1922
A persistent discard and casual of waste places and rubbish dumps.
FL Nov-Jan.
The scarlet runner or runner bean, commonly cultivated for the edible legume, is sometimes known in N.Z. as P. multiflorus. The dwarf bean or French bean, P. vulgaris L., is also commonly cultivated and has been recorded as naturalised, although the record is not supported by specimens. P. vulgaris is an annual with few-flowered racemes < the lvs, and a white, pink or purple corolla 10-18 mm long.