Muehlenbeckia Meisn.
Type sp.: M. australis Meissn.
Plants dioec. or polygamous, in fascicles subtended by sheathing bracts; fascicles axillary, or in axillary or terminal spikes, racemes or panicles. Per. deeply 5-partite, or tepals united only at base. ♂ with 8 stamens, filaments filiform, anthers ovate in outline, pistil obsolescent. ♀ with trigonous ovary; styles 3; outer tepals often becoming enlarged, white, succulent, and enclosing the trigonous nutlike achene; staminodia thick to obsolete. Shrubs or woody lianes with alt. lvs and ochreate stipules. Genus of some 20 N.Z., Australian and S. American spp.
Macbride (Field Mus. nat. Hist. Publ. 244, Bot. ser. 4, 1927, 114-117) revived the genus Calacinum Raf. 1836 and made the necessary new combinations, but Muehlenbeckia has since been conserved.