Potamogeton L.
Characters of the family. Native spp. 4, adventive 1.
Leaves of 2 kinds, submersed leaves narrower, floating leaves broad-oval; achenes with strong keel and short beak
Leaves not differing greatly throughout plant, either mostly floating, elliptic, or all submersed, oblong, crimped; achenes either not obviously keeled, or if keeled then with very prominent beak
Leaves filiform, < 2 mm wide; stipules membranous, adnate below to leaf; inflorescence discontinuous
Fig. 6. POTAMOGETON, leaves; A: P. crispus, curled pondweed, margin crimped. B: P. ochreatus, margin flat. C: P. cheesemanii, floating leaf, C 1 submersed leaf. © All rights reserved. [Image: 26XL]