Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Heterodermia speciosa (Wulfen) Trevis.

H. speciosa (Wulfen) Trevisan, Atti. Soc. ital. Sci. nat. 11: 614 (1869).

Lichen speciosus Wulfen in Jacquin, Collnea bot. 3: 119 (1791).

Lobes slightly disjunct or adjacent, ± plane, not ascending, with short lateral lobes. Upper surface even, sorediate. Soralia apical on main and lateral lobes, labriform, soredia whitish or greyish, granular. Lower surface corticate. Apothecia laminal, sessile to subpedicellate, thalline exciple sorediate. Ascospores without sporoblastidia, 25-35 × 12-18 µm. Chemistry: Atranorin, zeorin, ± norstictic acid and 3 unidentified triterpenoids.

N: Three Kings Is, to Wellington. S: Nelson, Canterbury. On coastal trees and shrubs, also on rock and soil.


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