Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Infl. of axillary bracted cymes, often reduced to whorls, or fls occ. solitary. Fls perfect, 5-merous, irregular to regular. Calyx us. 5-lobed, occ. 2-lipped. Corolla 2-lipped; lower 3-lobed, upper 2-lobed. Stamens 2 or 4, epipetalous, us. didynamous; disk often present. Ovary superior, 4-lobed; carpels 2, with basal placentae. Ovules 4, anatropous; style 1, gynobasic, unequally 2-branched. Fr. us. of 4 nutlets invested by persistent calyx. Herbs, shrubs, lianes and some trees with us. 4-angled branchlets and opp. or whorled aromatic exstipulate lvs. Subcosmopolitan family of some 200 genera and over 3,000 spp.


Calyx and corolla distinctly 2-lipped; stamens didynamous
Calyx and corolla subregular; stamens subequal
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