Pseudoparmelia subtiliacea (Nyl.) Hale
Parmelia subtiliacea Nyl., Flora 68: 614 (1885).
Lectotype: New Zealand. Sine loco. Charles Knight, H-NYL 35176!
Thallus small, orbicular, rosette-forming or spreading, 3-5 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes narrow, 2-5 mm wide, margins shallowly crenate, black, shining. Upper surface smooth, matt, wrinkled and shallowly faveolate centrally, pale green-grey or olive, without isidia or soredia. Lower surface shining, black, with longitudinal wrinkles and ridges, no naked marginal zone. Rhizines few, black, simple, marginal. Apothecia frequent, pedicellate, disc red-brown, 1-5 mm diam., margins crenulate or deeply lacerate, thalline exciple concolorous with thallus, smooth or wrinkled. Ascospores 12-24 × 6-7 µm. Pycnidia common, scattered, black, punctiform. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Caperatic acid and atranorin.
N: Sine loco (W. Colenso, C. Knight, BM, UPS, WELT). South Auckland (Waipakahi Valley, Kaimanawa Ra.). S: Canterbury (Prices Valley, Banks Peninsula, Hooker Valley). On twigs in canopy branches of forest trees or on subalpine shrubs. Still very much undercollected.