Parmelia eruptens
Parmelia eruptens Kurokawa, in Hale et Kurok. Contr. U.S. natn. Herb. 36: 153 (1964).
Thallus closely attached, 5-8 cm diam., corticolous. Lobes irregularly branched, short and rounded, 2-8 mm wide, margins crenate, dark brown. Upper surface yellowish-buff to olive green, smooth, shining, moderately to densely isidiate. Isidia laminal, irregularly inflated, simple, constricted at base, somewhat gnarled, eroding apically into pustular masses. Medulla white. Lower surface black with a naked, brown, marginal zone. Rhizines rather sparse, simple, pale near margins, black centrally. Apothecia very rare, 1-3 mm diam., thalline exciple coarsely isidiate. Ascospores 12-19 × 5-7 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ yellow; medulla K-, C-, KC-, Pd-. Divaricatic acid and atranorin.
A: Known from only one collection in the Auckland Islands on bark at s.l.