Pyrenula moniliformis (C.Knight) Müll.Arg.
Verrucaria moniliformis Knight, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 23: 100 (1860).
Lectotype: New Zealand, Sine loco (?Auckland). Charles Knight 319, BM!
Thallus endophloeodal, effuse, not easily differentiated from bark. Perithecia scattered, emergent or semi-emergent, in raised, black, shining verrucae, 0.1-1.0 mm diam. Ostiole apical, punctiform. Ascospores colourless at first, then dark brown at maturity, fusiform with pointed ends, straight, 8-locular, central 6 locules round to polygonal, often hexagonal, 53-70 × 10-12 µm.
N: Known only from the type collection.
P. moniliformis is unlike any other species of Pyrenula in New Zealand in that its spores are of Trypethelium -type, long-fusiform with pointed ends, and with 8 locules instead of the usual 4. Until further collections of this plant are made and its exact status can be determined with accuracy it is here left in Pyrenula.