Lichens (1985) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens
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Pyrenula deprimens (C.Knight) D.J.Galloway

P. deprimens (Knight) D. Galloway, N.Z. J. Bot. 21: 197 (1983).

Verrucaria glabrata var. deprimens Knight, Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. 23: 100 (1860).

Lectotype: New Zealand. ?Auckland. Charles Knight, 307a, BM.

Thallus epiphloeodal, in irregular patches, 1-5 cm diam., greyish-white to pale olive-cinerascent, continuous, irregularly minutely cracked, somewhat coriaceous, minutely maculate (×10 lens), not delimited at margins. Perithecia semi- emergent to emergent, scattered, solitary, rarely 2-confluent, 0.8-1.5 mm diam., applanate to hemispherical, black, shining. Ostiole large, 0.1 mm diam., with a distinct black rim, apical to ± marginal, pycnidia common, minute, black, punctiform. Ascospores lemon-shaped, 4-locular, middle two locules larger, often ± angular, 27-32(-36) × 12-15.3 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K+ dingy brown. UV+ pink after charring.

N: Known only from type collection.


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