Hypolepis distans Hook.
Rhizome slender, far-creeping, branched; clad in dark red-brown hairs; stipites distributed along rhizome. Stipes up to 20 cm. × 2 mm., dark red-brown, shining, with rather sparse hairs, muriculate (as is rhachis). Rhachis nude or sparsely hairy, red-brown; costae us. paler; pinnae opp. or nearly so, nearly ∞ to axis, distant, up to 5 cm. apart, subcoriac. Lamina 15-40 × 7-20 cm., ovate-lanceolate to almost deltoid, acuminate, bipinnate. Lower primary pinnae 5-12 × 1-3 cm., narrow ovate-lanceolate, acuminate; upper diminishing to final segs. Secondary pinnae rather distant, subopp. to alt., lanceolate, c. 15 × 5 mm., pinnatifid to pinnatisect. Segs deltoid-triangular to ovate-oblong, up to 2 mm. long, often with a few teeth. Sori slightly protected, 1-1·5 mm. diam., up to 10 per pinnule, sinuses in subregular rows near each margin.
DIST.: N., S., Ch. In lowland forest, apparently uncommon and local. Endemic.