Plantago triantha Spreng.
Primary root developing into a long stout taproot. Stem short, simple, without adventitious roots, and with few, long, fine hairs. Lvs radical, rosulate; petiole long, broad and flat. Lamina (10)-30-40-(80) × 5-15 mm, spathulate or oblanceolate, almost fleshy; margin sometimes entire but usually with a few large teeth or auricle-like lobes; lf hairs short and scattered, confined to upper side of lf (glabrous and slightly hairy lvs sometimes occurring on same plant); main veins 3 but the 2 lateral ones inconspicuous; base strongly attenuate; apex obtuse. Scapes usually = or > lvs; hairs sparse and spreading or sometimes dense immediately below spike. Spike 1-4-(7)-flowered, ± capitate when several-flowered. Bracts prominent, 2-4 mm long, ovate; apex incurved; keel broad, indistinct, occasionally with a few cilia. Sepals c. 3 mm long, resembling bracts; keel occasionally with a few cilia. Corolla tube short; lobes c. 1.5 × 1 mm, ovate. Capsule c. 3 mm long, subglobose. Seeds 6-8, 1.2-1.5 mm long, irregular.
Also indigenous to Tasmania.
Coastal rock and salt meadow.
FL Dec-Feb.
This sp. is very distinctive amongst other members of sect. Oliganthos in N.Z.; in addition to the characters used in the key, it is distinguished from the other 3 spp. of this sect. by the fls in the head-like spike often being very shortly pedicellate rather than sessile.