Caltha obtusa Cheeseman
C. introloba F. Muell. var. obtusa (Cheesem.) Ewart Fl. Victoria 1930, 516.
Type locality: "mountains at the head of Broken River, 5000- 6000 feet". Type: A, T. F. Cheeseman.
Glab. perennial seldom > 5 cm. tall, with short rhizomes. Petioles slender, seldom > 1 cm. long; lamina seldom > 1 cm. diam., broadly oblong to suborbicular, subcordate and 2-lobed at base, crenate to crenate-dentate, emarginate. Lobes upturned, ± appressed to and not much shorter than lamina, crenate. Scapes rather stout, at first very short, later elongating. Sepals 5, white, about obovate, obtuse to acute; stamens 10-15; carpels narrow-ovate in outline; styles rather long, slender. Mature follicles not seen.
DIST.: S. Subalpine herbfield from lat. 43°-45° (probably extends further south).
FL. 1.
A specimen in Colenso's herbarium, without locality or collector's name, may have come from the Ruahine Range. The occurrences of C. obtusa in N. and its relations to C. marginata need investigation.