Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Pomaderris Labill.

POMADERRIS Labill., 1804

Fls in corymbs or panicles, bracts us. falling early; calyx adnate to ovary, of 5 triangular sepals; petals 5 or absent, clawed, attached to staminal filaments; stamens 5, upper part of filament bent sharply downward in bud. Ovary ± sunk in calyx-tube, without disk, 3-loculed, style ± divided, stigmas 3. Fr. dry, splitting to release 3 cocci, each opening on the inward side by a slit or opercular value; seeds 1 per coccus, smooth, funicle aril-like. Woody shrubs with alt. lvs, us. with stellate hairs. About 40 spp. of Australia and northern N.Z. (about half the spp. erected with very brief diagnoses by N. A. Wakefield, Vict. Nat., Melb. 68, 1951, 140-143). Of the 8 N.Z. representatives 5 are here treated as endemic spp. or vars.


Lvs mostly > 5 × 2 cm.; fls with or without petals
Lvs mostly much < 5 × 2 cm.; fls without petals
Fls without petals; lvs stellate-hairy above when young, undersurface with coarse indumentum including stalked stellate hairs
Fls with petals; lvs glab. above, undersurface with fine indumentum not including stalked stellate hairs
Petals yellow, calyx-tube with long-rayed stellate hairs; lvs ± oval, minor veins obvious when dry
Petals white, calyx-tube without long-rayed stellate hairs; lvs ± elliptic, main veins only showing when dry
Young stems villous with long soft hairs
Young stems rusty with short-rayed stellate hairs
Lvs narrow-linear, rarely 1 cm. long, recurved almost to midrib
Lvs oblong, 1-2.5 cm. long, less strongly recurved
Upper lf-surface scabrid with short stiff hairs
Upper lf-surface not scabrid
Sepals falling early; us. erect, much branched, ± fastigiate shrub to 3 m. tall
Sepals persisting in fr.; short, often prostrate or straggling shrub, occ. 2 m. tall

The Australian spp. have not recently been reviewed comprehensively and are reputed to be very "variable". In N.Z. in contrast there is, with one exception, great uniformity within each category; it seems best therefore to formulate descriptions that apply precisely to N.Z. plants; any necessary merging with Australian taxa can then be done with certainty when the whole genus is monographed. Preliminary results of cytological work by Dr. J. B. Hair have been taken into consideration; Mr. N. A. Wakefield has kindy offered opinions on relationships with Australian spp. and the National Herbarium of Victoria, Melbourne, has lent study specimens.

Fl.-buds in the N.Z. spp. appear at latest by March and are present all through winter. Lvs of very young plants often differ in pubescence, toothing, shape and size from those of adult plants. Some chemical research has been done on the saponins (Briggs, J. roy. Soc. N. S. W. 80. 1947, 173).

The N.Z. taxa may be grouped in pairs on the following characters:

Simple hairs present, stellate all sessile; ovary c. 1/2 immersed in fr., operculum c. 1/2 coccus-length, seed-length c. 1·5 × width, sepals caducous; petals 5; bracts broad, obtuse; infl. ± flat-topped, terminal, large. P. kumeraho, P. hamiltonii.

Simple hairs absent or inconspicuous, stellate both stalked and sessile; ovary at least 1/2 immersed in fr., operculum > 3/4 coccus-length, seed-length barely 1·5 × width, sepals persistent; petals 0; bracts narrow, toothed; infl. elongate, axillary and terminal. P. apetala, P. oraria var. novae-zelandiae.

Simple hairs present, stellate both stalked and sessile; ovary much > 1/2 immersed in fr., operculum > 1/2 coccus-length, seed-length nearly 2 × width, sepals caducous; petals 0; bracts broad, obtuse; infl. of small axillary clusters. P. prunifolia var. edgerleyi, P. rugosa.

Simple hairs present, stellate all sessile; ovary much < 1/2 immersed in fr., operculum almost = coccus, seed-length ± 1·5 × width, sepals caducous; petals 0 or vestigial; bracts medium, acute; infl. of small clusters, axillary and sts terminal. P. phylicifolia var. ericifolia,  var. polifolia.

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