Azorella selago Hook.f.
Stems and branches close-set, ascending to erect, often forming globular masses up to ± 1 m. diam., disintegrating below into mass of dead parts; living stems up to ± 15 cm. long. Lvs alt., appressed, closely imbricate. Lamina coriac., bright green, up to c. 10 mm. long, on broad membr. sheathing petioles ± 5 mm. long; convex on dorsal surface, with a few long hairs on concave ventral surface; 3-5-partite to petiole, segs spreading, oblong-triangular, acute, us. with long slender apiculus. Umbels (1)-2-3-fld on very short peduncles, sunk among terminal lvs. Involucral bracts linear, subacute to acute. Calyx-teeth broadly triangular, acute. Petals pale rose, c. twice length calyx-teeth. Fr. ovoid, with persistent, elongate, clavate styles. Mericarps slightly compressed distinctly 5-ribbed.
DIST.: Macquarie Id. Also Fuegia, Kerguelen Id, Crozets, Marion Id, Heard Id.
Hooker (loc. cit.) remarks: "The fruit of this plant is so dorsally compressed and contracted at the sutures, as almost to justify its being removed from the genus and even group." Hooker's transverse section of the fr. shows the ribs clearly but no vittae. The commissure is much exceeded above and below by the free portions of the mericarps.