Carmichaelia williamsii Kirk
Type locality: Raukokore Bay, Bay of Plenty. Type: W, Kirk Herb. 874, W. L. Williams.
Erect shrub or small tree up to ± 4 m. tall; trunk up to c. 10 cm. diam. Branchlets c. 8-12 mm. wide, much-compressed, closely grooved, glab. Lvs of young plants 1-3-foliolate; lflts narrow-obcordate to obovate. Infl. of 1-2 racemes per notch, 1-5-fld on ± pubescent peduncles ± 10 mm. long. Fls falcate, 20-25-(30) mm. long, on ± pubescent stout pedicels 5-10 mm. long. Calyx 5-6 × 4-5 mm., campanulate; teeth narrow-triangular, acute. Standard, keel and wings yellowish, ± purple-veined and -blotched, auricles rounded or bluntly pointed. Ovary glab. Pods ± 20-30 × 6-7 mm., about elliptic-oblong, very dark brown to black. Seeds 6-15, up to 5 × 4 mm., red, black-mottled or not.
DIST.: N. Semi-coastal areas: Poor Knights, Bay of Plenty to near East Cape, Little Barrier Id, Alderman Is.