Cladia sullivanii
≡Cladonia sullivanii Müll.Arg., Flora 65: 294 (1882).
=Cladia sullivanii var. compacta W.Martin, Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. Bot. 3: 9 (1965).
Description : Flora (1985: 98).
Chemistry : Thallus K−, C−, KC−, Pd−; containing ±usnic, ±ursolic, ±protolichesterinic, ±nordivaricatic and divaricatic acids and unidentified triterpenoids.
N: Northland (Karikari Peninsula), South Auckland (Te Aroha, Opepe, Taupo, Huka Falls), Gisborne (Aniwaniwa Lake Waikaremoana), Wellington (Waiopehu Tararua Ra.). S: Nelson (Hope Ra., Mt Arthur tableland, Kaiteriteri, Lead Hills, Cobb Valley, Denniston Plateau), Westland (Mt Euclid Paparoa Ra., upper Otira Valley), Canterbury (Lewis Pass, Arthur's Pass), Otago (Haast Pass, Forgotten River, Theatre Flat Rockburn, Key Summit, Chinaman Flat Dart Valley, Maungatua, Kuriwao, Blue Mts), Southland (Astronomer's Point Dusky Sound, Mt Clerke Resolution I., Lake Monk, Dome Bog, Te Anau, Makarewa, Awarua Bog). St: (Mt Anglem, Freshwater Valley, Rakeahua River, Tin Ra., Fright Cove, Noble I. Port Pegasus). On sandy soil, subalpine peat bogs, alpine grasslands and lowland peat soils and heaths (it is especially richly developed at margins of peat bogs and on the summit plateau of the Blue Mountains in W Otago). Also in SW and SE Australia and southern South America (Filson 1992b; McCarthy 2003c, 2006).
Exsiccati : Gyelnik (1937, No. 157 – as Cladonia sullivanii); Moberg (1996: No. 168); Vězda (1997b: No. 272).
Illustrations : Martin (1965: pl. 2, figs 3, 4); Galloway (1966: pl. 2); Filson (1981: 56, pl. 10; 62, pl. 16D; 70, pl. 24B); Malcolm & Garnock-Jones (2000: 19); Malcolm & Malcolm (2000: 121).
Cladia sullivanii is characterised by: the dark-brown or black medullary hyphae that fill the central canal, and by the crystalline outer surface (×10 lens) which distinguishes it from the related C. fuliginosa.