Urtica L.
Fls small, greenish, unisexual, in axillary simple or branched spikes or racemes; per. deeply 4-partite; stamens 4, inflexed in bud; ovary us. ovoid; stigma penicillate; ovule 1, erect. Achene us. ovoid; subcompressed, invested by long-persistent per. About 40 spp., mostly temperate and subtropical, of annual to perennial herbs or shrubs, us, bearing stinging hairs; lvs opp., toothed or lobed. The N.Z. spp. are endemic, except U. incisa, which is common in Australia and Tasmania.
Plant with very slender, weak, openly branched stems, us. scrambling or lianoid; lvs linear to linear-lanceolate
Plant with stouter simple or branched stems, decumbent to erect, neither scrambling nor lianoid; lvs not linear nor linear-lanceolate