Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Gaultheria rupestris (L.f.) D.Don

G. rupestris (L. f.) D. Don, in G. Don, Gen. Syst.  3:   841  (1834)

Shrub to c. 1 m high; branchlets with sparse to rather dense setose hairs. Lvs alternate; petioles stout, to c. 3 mm long. Lamina (6)-20-45-(57) × (3)-6-20-(25) mm, elliptic, elliptic-oblong, or lanceolate-oblong (several forms on 1 plant; young plants often with larger lvs), ± coriaceous but not thick; margins finely or sometimes rather coarsely serrate; base usually cuneate, sometimes almost rounded; apex acute. Fls in terminal and subterminal racemes or panicles to c. 8 cm long; axis ± hairy; pedicels 3-5 mm long, usually puberulent, sometimes glabrous; bracteoles c. 2 mm long, broad-ovate. Calyx lobes c. 2 mm long, ovate-triangular, usually acute or apiculate, sometimes obtuse. Corolla urceolate; tube c. 3 mm long; lobes broadly ovate, c. 1 mm long. Capsule c. 3-4 mm diam., invested by dry calyx.

N.: Ruahine, Tararua, Rimutaka Ranges ( var. subcorymbosa (Colenso) B. L. Burtt et A. W. Hill); S.: Aorere Valley, Nelson ( var. subcorymbosa), throughout ( var. rupestris).


Lowland to montane forest margins, scrub, shrubland and rocky places.

FL Nov-Feb.

Allan (1961) accepted var. subcorymbosa at sp. level as G. subcorymbosa Colenso.

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