Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Begonia L.


♂ and ♀ fls often showy; sepals and petals free, combined number 10. Stamens usually forming a yellow globose mass. Ovary completely inferior. Fr. nearly always a loculicidal capsule.

c. 1000 spp., tropical and subtropical. Naturalised, 1 hybrid complex.

In addition to the hybrid complex described below, there are many other hybrids and spp., including a large number of cvs, in N.Z. B. Tuberhybrida Hybrids, tuberous begonias, are very commonly grown in a variety of colours, as well as in single and double forms. There are many cvs with variously patterned and coloured ornamental lvs, mostly belonging to B. Rex-Cultorum Hybrids, rex begonias, which include some of the most popular house and conservatory plants. Cvs or hybrids of B. corallina, cane begonias, with a tall shrubby habit, are also very commonly cultivated inside, and in addition are cultivated outside dwellings in warm areas. In N. coastal areas they sometimes persist as relics of cultivation, especially on seaward-facing slopes in sheltered bays. Also in this category of cultivation relics are B. foliosa Kunth var. miniata (Planchon) Lyman B. Smith et Schube (B. fuchsioides Hook.), fuchsia begonia, an erect plant with numerous small lvs and pendent red fls.

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