Aeonium ×floribundum
ζ*A. × floribundum A. Berger ζ* has been collected apparently wild at Whakatane (Bay of Plenty) and on the Port Hills, Christchurch, where it very occasionally grows outside gardens on volcanic rubble, steep banks or rock walls. A small twiggy shrub or shrublet with small, terminal rosettes to 7 cm diam.; branches slender; lvs to c. 4 × 1.5 cm, 2-4 mm thick, oblong-obovate, green with reddish dashes on lower surface; flowering shoots with axis minutely covered with glandular hairs; panicle c. 9-10 cm long, very broad; petals 7-10, 4.5-6 mm long, elliptic, golden; stamens 3.5-5 mm long; scales 0. This hybrid is very common in cultivation in N.Z.; as well as being grown on banks and walls outside in warmer areas, it is frequently seen as a pot plant on patios and indoors. Its parents are A. caespitosum (C. A. Smith) Webb et Berth. and A. spathulatum (Hornem.) Praeger, both of sect. Goochia Christ whose members have small lf rosettes and sometimes longitudinal glands or dashes on the lf undersides. It probably does not form viable seed in N.Z. (Cultivated hybrid, 1988).