Trichomanes colensoi Hook.f.
Vandenboschia colensoi (Hook. f.) Cop. loc. cit. 67, 1938, 52.
Type locality: "Near Waikare Lake". Type: K, Colenso no. 104. Endemic.
Rhizome filiform, ± densely clad in minute hairs; stipites rather distant. Stipes filiform, 1-5 cm. long, not winged. Rhachis not winged or very obscurely so in upper part. Lamina 2-10 cm. or more long, green, narrow-oblong, 3-pinnatifid; pinnules up to 1 cm. or more long, rather distant; final segs with solitary veinlet, toothed to incised, narrow-linear, acute. Sori stalked near base of upper pinnules, or on secondary rhachis. Indusium c. 2 mm. long, widening upwards, narrowly winged. Receptacle filiform, exserted, up to 5 mm. or more long.
DIST.: N., S. Lowland to montane forest from lat. 38º southwards; apparently local in N., and east of divide in S.