Pannaria gemmascens sensu D.J.Galloway
Thallus small, lobate-foliose, spreading, loosely attached, muscicolous or corticolous, to 2 cm diam. Lobes plicate-rugose when dry, expanded inflated, appearing subgelatinous when wet, margins crenate, slightly thickened, ± ascending. Upper surface dark greenish-blue, tinged whitish, smooth, matt, minutely scabrid at margins ± isidiate. Isidia tuberculate, swollen or gnarled, ± globose 0.1-0.2 mm diam., marginal at first, then spreading over upper surface or onto margins of lower surface, bluish-white or blue-black. Lower surface white or pale buff, tomentose at margins with brown squarrose rhizines centrally. Prothallus absent. Apothecia not seen.
N: North Auckland (Pandora) to Coromandel Peninsula and Great Mercury I. S: Westland (Mt Macfarlane). A small, easily overlooked species from mossy bark in moderate to deep shade in moist, humid habitats.
Western Pacific