Pannaria flexuosa C.Knight
Thallus small, lobate-squamulose, closely attached, saxicolous, to 2 cm diam., with a conspicuous, marginal, black prothallus. Squamules laciniate-linear, short, narrow, 0.1-0.3 mm wide, margins flexuous, crenate, ± bifurcate. Upper surface smooth, matt, yellowish-grey, without isidia or soredia. Lower surface black, rhizinate. Rhizines thick, black, visible as a prothallus between laciniae and at margins. Apothecia sessile, rounded, to 1 mm diam., disc plane, waxy, yellow-brown to red-brown with a pale proper margin, thalline margin thick, crenate, flexuose, obscuring disc in young fruits. Ascospores oval, oval-oblong to fusiform, 8-9 × 3-3.5 µm.
N: Sine loco, on pumice, W. Colenso, 6319, 6335 (BM).