Volume IV (1988) - Flora of New Zealand Naturalised Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons
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Fuchsia L.


Prostrate shrubs to small trees, sometimes lianoid, sometimes deciduous. Lvs simple, opposite, alternate or whorled, entire or toothed. Fls solitary in lf axils or clustered in racemes or panicles, occasionally cauliflorous, actinomorphic, mostly pendulous, usually ⚥, sometimes unisexual. Floral tube campanulate to tubular, often greatly prolonged beyond ovary, usually coloured, deciduous at fruiting. Sepals 4, usually coloured. Petals 4, usually pink or mauve to crimson or purple, sometimes minute or 0. Stamens 8, in 2 whorls, generally exserted, the 4 episepalous ones > 4 epipetalous ones; anthers dorsifixed. Style usually long-exserted; stigma capitate to 4-lobed. Fr. a soft, 4-celled berry. Seeds numerous, very small.


This synopsis of the wild and common cultivated spp. in N.Z. is partly based on Munz, P. A., Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 4th Ser. 25: 1-138 (1943). Some commonly cultivated spp. which are not wild are also included.

  • A. Sect. ENCLIANDRA. 
    • Fls solitary, variously positioned, axillary, small; floral tube cylindric to obconic; stamens short, usually included:
    • × bacillaris Lindley
  • B. Sect. FUCHSIA. 
    • Fls solitary to cymosely clustered, pendulous; floral tube cylindric, usually exceeding petals; stamens long-exserted:
    • 1. *bolivianafulgens DC. triphylla L.
  • C. Sect. QUELUSIA. 
    • Fls usually solitary, pendulous; floral tube cylindric, usually not exceeding petals; stamens long-exserted:
    • 2. *magellanica
  • D. Sect. SCHUFIA. 
    • Fls in a cymose, subtrichotomous panicle, erect; floral tube tubular to funnelform, almost = petals; stamens shortly exserted:
    • arborescens Sims
  • E. Sect. SKINNERA. 
    • Fls solitary or few in clusters, erect or pendulous; floral tube funnelform, swollen above ovary; petals minute or 0; stamens exserted:
    • 3. × colensoi4. excorticata5. perscandens6. procumbens


Lvs nearly always opposite or in whorls of 3; fls ⚥; petals conspicuous
Lvs generally alternate; fls often functionally unisexual; petals inconspicuous or 0
Stems and lvs glabrous or somewhat puberulent; floral tube < 2 cm long, < calyx
Stems and lvs densely hairy; floral tube > 5 cm long, c. 3× calyx
Plant with prostrate, trailing, slender stems; petals 0; berries ovoid-oblong to obovoid, crimson or magenta
Plant a tree, shrub or liane, sometimes sprawling, but if so then main stems thick and woody, not slender, not prostrate nor trailing; petals present; berries broad-cylindric or ellipsoid, dark purple or almost black
Plant a liane, sometimes sprawling if lacking support
Plant a tree or shrub (branches may be slender and scrambling but not main stems)
Plant a tree, with distinct trunk; lvs lanceolate, ovate- or oblong-lanceolate, usually > 5 cm long
Plant a shrub, much-branched from base; branchlets slender, sometimes scandent; lvs ovate to orbicular, usually < 5 cm long

c. 100 spp., mostly America from Mexico to Tierra del Fuego, but sect. Skinnera from N.Z. and Tahiti. Native spp. 3 and 1 hybrid, naturalised 2.

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