Geum pusillum Petrie
Type: W, Herb. Petrie, D. Petrie.
Up to 1 dm. tall, with slender stock. Lvs radical, up to 2.5 cm. long, sparsely strigose, pinnate; terminal lflt c. 7 mm. long, suborbicular, crenate; lateral lflts c. 5 pairs, small. Scapes us. c. 5 cm. tall, with one or more minute bracts, or nude, pubescent. Fls solitary, minute; calyx-lobes ovate, bractlets minute; petals 5-6, white, about oblong. Receptacle elongate, villous; achenes glab., minute, obliquely obovoid-oblong; style minute, recurved.
DIST.: S. Old Man Range, c. 1500 m., Petrie and others.
FL. 11-2. FT. 12-3.