Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Australina pusilla (Poir.) Gaudich.

A. pusilla Gaud. in Freyc. Voy. Bot. 1826, 505.

A. novae-zelandiae Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1854, 226.

Type: Australian.

Stems slender, ± pubescent, branching, creeping and rooting, forming matted patches up to 6 dm. across. Lvs 10-15 × 10-15 mm., on almost filiform petioles up to 1·5 cm. long, often with accessory small lvs; lamina suborbicular, bluntly crenate, with cuneate to truncate base, asperous on both surfaces. Stipules minute, narrow-subulate. ♂ us. 2 at apex of common peduncle; per. subcampanulate, obscurely 2-lobed, pilose. ♀ solitary or 2-3 together; bracteoles minute or absent; per. subcompressed, hispidulous, tube inflated, mouth minute; stigma filiform, pubescent. Achene erect, brown, invested by persistent per.

DIST.: N., S. Coastal to lowland forest, local, from lat. 35° southwards.

The sp. deserves closer study, including the influence of habitat on size and hairiness of plant. Colenso (T.N.Z.I. 18, 1886, 266) described his A. hispidula as: "Plant small; every part, including flowers, being more or less hispid; stems 3-4 inches long, stoutish . . . branches numerous, short, ascending, 3/4-1 inch long. Leaves small, sub-reniform and sub-orbicular, always broader than long, truncate at base, 1-2 lines long, 11/2-21/2 lines broad, largely and regularly 5-crenate . . . stipules 2 lines long, subulate, hairy . . . Male flower single, or 2-3 together, in upper axils on one long succulent peduncle, twice the length of petiole . . . perianth sessile . . . divided at middle into two concave lobes . . . Female flower in lower axils, in pairs . . . perianth ovate . . . mouth somewhat 3-fid . . . Hab. Sides of streams in shaded spots near Norsewood . . . 1883-85. W. C. Also eastern bases of Ruahine Mountain range . . . Mr A. Hamilton."

Gandoger (Bull. Soc. bot. Fr. 66, 1919, 298) describes his A. septemdentata as: "Tenuiter pubescens, caules erecti graciles subsimplices, folia parva orbiculata obtusa basi truncata tenuia plerumque 7-dentata vel crenata, flores breviter pedunculati, perigonium vix ciliatum. Hab. Nova Zelandia, ad Dunedin (Thomson!). Ab A. pusilla Gaudich. differt foliis duplo minoribus minus dentatis, perigonio parvo vix ciliato, etc. Planta ex Australia major est, foliis late ovatis 9-dentatis basi contractis, caulibusque repentibus ramosis."

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