Polygonum prostratum R.Br.
Prostrate, appressed-hirsute perennial; stems to 30 cm long, woody at base, with antrorse hairs, tending to form a mat; taproot present. Lvs all similar, subsessile or with short petiole. Lamina 6-25 × 2-7 mm, lanceolate or linear-lanceolate, minutely serrulate; base narrow-cuneate; apex obtuse. Ochreae to 8 mm long, with appressed hairs, ciliate. Racemes spike-like, usually axillary, rarely terminal; rachis sometimes with very short glandular hairs and hirsute; peduncle to c. 12 mm long; infl. 8-20 mm long; pedicels very short, hidden. Fls 15-25; bracts often = or > fls, pink, hirsute. Perianth 1.5-1.8 mm long, eglandular, green, accrescent; segments ± broad-elliptic, somewhat imbricate. Nut 1.4-1.7 mm diam., biconvex or subglobose, ± shining, black, finely granular.
N.: C. North Id, especially Rotorua area and Lake Waikaremoana; S.: near Saltwater Lagoon (S. Westland).
Australia 1882
Mainly around lake and lagoon shores, rare.
FL Nov-Mar.