Collema coccophorum Tuck.
Thallus small, to 2.5 cm diam., foliose or subcrustose, rounded, dark olive-green to blackish, matt, epruinose, with or without globular isidia. Lobes distinctly radiating, subirregular, dense, somewhat variable, short and broad or extended and narrow, 0.5-3 mm broad, imbricate or discrete, adnate or ± ascendent or erect, plane or concave, ± swollen at margins, incised or lobulate, upper surface smooth to sparsely coarseplicate or ± densely verrucose, verrucae often growing out into short, terete accessory lobules. Apothecia numerous, sometimes crowded or sparse, sessile or appressed, 1-1.5(-2.5) mm diam., disc plane to convex, pale or dark red, matt, smooth, epruinose, thalline margin thin, entire, or verrucose or lobulate, concolorous with thallus, persistent or ± disappearing. Ascospores 8 per ascus, ± distichous, ellipsoid to oblong, ovoid or oval with acute or obtuse ends, straight, 2-celled (13-)15-22(-26) × (4.5-)6.5-8.5(-9) µm. Pycnidia marginal, ± globose, pale, 260 µm diam.
N: S: Palmerston North to Manapouri. Rather rarely collected. On clay or rock, in damp, shaded habitats (stream beds, banks).