Collema fragrans (Sm.) Ach.
Lichen fragrans Sm. in Sm. et Sowerby Engl. Bot. 27: 1912 (1808).
Thallus very small, to 0.5 cm diam., foliose, ± rounded, fixed to substrate at centre, easily loosened, deeply lobate, dark olive-green sometimes brownish or blackish, lower surface concolorous or paler or greyish-blue, matt, epruinose, without isidia. Lobes few, rosette-forming, free or imbricate, rounded, or somewhat extended, 0.3-1.5 mm broad, not swollen, entire or crenate, ± plane, canaliculate, horizontal, adnate or not, occasionally ascending and ± erect, smooth, or with globular, isidia-like papillae or terete to flattened lobules at margins and on lamina. Thalli very numerous and crowded, somewhat pulvinate. Apothecia generally ± numerous, crowded centrally, sessile, constricted at base, 0.4-0.7 mm diam., disc plane to concave, red to red-brown or blackish-brown, slightly glossy, smooth, epruinose, thalline margin thin to moderately thick, sometimes disappearing, entire or rarely papillate, sometimes lobulate, proper margin thin, pale ± persistent. Ascospores 8, rarely 4 per ascus, ± distichous, oval or sub-oblong to ovoid or ellipsoid with rounded to obtuse ends, submuriform with 2-5 transverse septa often constricted at septa, 16-30 × 8.5-17 µm. Pycnidia common, numerous, ± laminal, immersed, ± globose, pale, to 215 µm diam.
One variety of this species is known from New Zealand.