Pannoparmelia (Müll.Arg.) Darb.
Type : Pannoparmelia angustata (Pers.) Zahlbr. [=Parmelia angustata Pers.]
Description : Flora (1985: 335). See also Galloway & Sammy (1994: 86).
Pannoparmelia is a Southern Hemisphere genus of two species included in the family Parmeliaceae (Eriksson et al. 2004; Pennycook & Galloway 2004; Eriksson 2005), characterised by the distinctly beaded prothallus (Henssen & Dobelmann 1987), an upper cortex of palisade plectenchyma containing usnic acid, a pored epicortex, and 8-spored asci. The genus is discussed in several recent papers (Galloway 1978a; Yoshimura 1987; Calvelo & Adler 1992; Yoshimura & Elix 1993; Galloway & Sammy 1994; Kantvilas et al. 2002). Both species are known from New Zealand.