Lichens Pan-Z (2007) - Flora of New Zealand Lichens - Revised Second Edition Pan-Z
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Pannoparmelia angustata

P. angustata (Pers.) Zahlbr. in H. Handel-Mazzetii, Symb. Sin. 3: 195 (1930).

Parmelia angustata Pers. in C. Gaudichaud-Beaupré, Voy. Uranie, Bot.: 195 (1827).

=Parmelia moniliformis C.Bab. in J.D. Hooker, Fl. Nov. Zel. 2: 287 (1855).

=Anzia angustata var. hypoleucodes Müll.Arg., Bull. Soc. Roy. Bot. Belg. 31 (2): 39 (1892).

=Anzia angustata var. laxior Zahlbr., Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien math.-naturwiss. Kl. 104: 353 (1941).

Parmelia moniliformis : Holotype: New Zealand. "Northern Island on wood (of Coniferae)", W. Colenso s.n. – BM.

Anzia angustata var. hypoleucodes. Holotype: New Zealand. Sine loco, 1887, Dr Ant. Magny - G. Isotype – WELT.

Anzia angustata var. laxior. Isotype: New Zealand. South Auckland, Kaingaroa Plains on Dracophyllum subulatum, K.W. Allison 10 – CHR 306763.

Description : Flora (1985: 336).

Chemistry : Cortex K−, medulla K−, C−, KC−, Pd−; containing usnic and divaricatic acids.

N: Northland (Tangihua Forest), South Auckland (Hunua Ra., Te Aroha), Hawke's Bay (Kuripapango) to Wellington (Ruapehu, Kaimanawa Ra., Ruahine Ra.). S: Nelson (Mt Benson, Fenella Hut, Mt Arthur, Lake Rotoiti, Takaka, Denniston, Spring's Junction), Marlborough (Red Hill, Resolution Bay), Canterbury (Arthur's Pass, Glencoe Stream Mt Cook southwards east and west of the Main Divide to Southland (Borland Burn, Waikoau River, Te WaeWae Bay). Mainly epiphytic on subalpine shrubs and trees from 250–1100 m in North I., and from 100 to1400 m in South. I. Most common in Nothofagus forests east of the Main Divide, rare or absent from wetter parts of Fiordland and from Stewart I. Known also from SE Australia and Tasmania (Galloway & Sammy 1994; Kantvilas et al. 2002; McCarthy 2003c, 2006) and from southern Argentina and Chile (Calvelo & Adler 1992; Galloway & Quilhot 1999).


Exsiccati : Vězda (1982a: No. 1834).

Illustrations : Martin & Child (1972: 93, pl. 16; 116, pl. 28); Bratt et al. (1976: 71, pl. 2 – as Anzia angustata); Galloway (1978a: 262, fig. 1 – as Parmelia moniliformis; 266, fig. 4A, B); Henssen & Dobelmann (1987: 105, figs 5, 6; 106, figs 7, 8); Calvelo & Adler (1992: 491, fig. 1A–C; 493, fig. 2A–D); Malcolm & Galloway (1997: 102, 110, 118); Kantvilas et al. (2002: 86); McCarthy & Malcolm (2004: 54).

Pannoparmelia angustata is a rather variable species. Individuals in full sunlight are distinctly yellow (usnic acid), whereas shaded forms lose usnic acid in the upper cortex and become pale greenish grey. Pycnidia are always present on the upper surface although their numbers vary considerably. Prothallus (spongiostratum) colour varies from pale yellow-tan to dark brown-black. It is distinguished from P. wilsonii by the absence of isidia.

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