Volume I (1961) - Flora of New Zealand Indigenous Tracheophyta - Psilopsida, Lycopsida, Filicopsida, Gymnospermae, Dicotyledons
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Beilschmiedia tarairi (A.Cunn.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Kirk

B. tarairi (A. Cunn.) Benth. et Hook. f. ex Kirk For. Fl. 1889, 71, t. 43.

Laurus tarairi A. Cunn. in Ann. nat. Hist. 1, 1838, 379.

Nesodaphne tarairi (A. Cunn.) Hook. f. Fl. N.Z. 1, 1854, 217.


Type locality: " banks of rivers, Bay of Islands ". Type: K, A. Cunningham, 1826.

Tree up to 20 m. or more tall; trunk up to 1 m. diam.; bark dark brown, smooth; branchlets, young lvs, petioles and infl. branchlets densely clad in reddish brown tomentum. Lvs alt. to subopp., very coriac. on petioles 1-1·5 cm. long; lamina entire, 4-15 × 3-6 cm., glab. above, with impressed veins; ± glaucous below, with the very prominent veins clad in red-brown pubescence, surface with scattered hairs; broadly elliptic- to obovate-oblong, midrib excurrent. Panicles axillary, up to 10 cm. long, branches stout; fls 4-5 mm. diam.; bracts linear, obtuse, caducous; per. segs oblong to obovate, tomentose without. Drupe ovoid to ellipsoid, 2.5-3·5 cm. long, one-seeded; pericarp purple.

DIST.: N. Coastal to lowland forest from near North Cape to lat. 38°.

FL. 9-12. FT. 11-2.

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